Reservations. Tables. Software.

For restaurants to book tables

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Made by reservations experts

The newest product from Simple Reservations is a booking application, designed for restaurants which require table reservations in advance. It is very easy to use. No training necessary. It also requires zero maintenance: because it runs on our servers. No installation required. No updates.

Designed by Caribation IT

Attractive price

Starting with US$ 5.00 per month, depending on the number of tables

Competitive prices for customization to your business model. Easy, intuitive usage.

Start immediately

No training necessary. All functions you'd expect: table reservations, table properties, list of reservations. The restaurant manager can check the current booking situation on his mobile phone at any time.

English, Spanish and German versions available immediately. Other languages upon request.

Live on-line trial

The system may work perfectly for conference room reservations, actually for all reservations on hourly basis. What are you renting?

Let's Get In Touch!

Describe what you need. Expect competent answer!

+1 305 517 7120
(all languages)